// -*- mode: javascript; js-indent-level: 2 -*- // vim: set filetype=javascript tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab: const direct = "direct"; const blocked = "blocked"; const proxy = "proxy"; const DIRECT = "DIRECT"; var proxyBehaviors = { proxy: "SOCKS5", // the default proxy direct: DIRECT, blocked: "PROXY", "http_proxy": "PROXY", "companyProxy": "PROXY", // domains list in `domain-rules-companyProxy.txt` will use this proxy setting }; const default_behavior = DIRECT + "; " + proxyBehaviors[proxy]; const ipv4Pattern = /^\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3}$/; const ipv6Pattern = /^[a-fA-F0-9:]+$/; function isIpAddress(host) { return ipv4Pattern.test(host) || ipv6Pattern.test(host); } function isInDirectAccessNetwork(ip) { return !!findMatchingNetwork(ip, directAccessIPv4Networks, directAccessIPv6Networks); } function ipToNumber(ip) { const parts = ip.split('.'); return parts.reduce((acc, part) => (acc << 8) + parseInt(part, 10), 0); } function numberToIp(number) { return [ (number >>> 24) & 0xFF, (number >>> 16) & 0xFF, (number >>> 8) & 0xFF, number & 0xFF ].join('.'); } function ipv6ToTwoNumbers(ip) { const parts = ip.split(':').map(part => part ? parseInt(part, 16) : 0); let high = 0n, low = 0n; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { high = (high << 16n) + BigInt(parts[i] || 0); } for (let i = 4; i < 8; i++) { low = (low << 16n) + BigInt(parts[i] || 0); } return [high, low]; } function twoNumbersToIpv6(high, low) { const parts = []; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { parts.push(((high >> BigInt(48 - 16 * i)) & 0xFFFFn).toString(16)); } for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { parts.push(((low >> BigInt(48 - 16 * i)) & 0xFFFFn).toString(16)); } return parts.join(':').replace(/(:0{1,4}){2,}/, '::'); } function findMatchingNetwork(ip, networks4, networks6) { if (ip.includes('.')) { // IPv4 const ipNumber = ipToNumber(ip); for (let [network, prefix] of networks4) { mask = subnetMaks32[prefix] if ((ipNumber & mask) === (network & mask)) { return [network, prefix]; } } } else { // IPv6 const [ipHigh, ipLow] = ipv6ToTwoNumbers(ip); for (let [networkHigh, networkLow, mask] of networks6) { if (mask>64) { maskHigh = 0xffffffffffffffffn; maskLow = subnetMaks64[mask-64]; } else { maskHigh = subnetMaks64[mask]; maskLow = 0x0000000000000000n; } if (((ipHigh & maskHigh) === (networkHigh & maskHigh)) && ((ipLow & maskLow) === (networkLow & maskLow))) { return [networkHigh, networkLow, mask]; } } } return null; } function printMatchingNetwork(ip, networks4, networks6) { const matchedNetwork = findMatchingNetwork(ip, networks4, networks6); if (matchedNetwork) { if (ip.includes('.')) { // IPv4 const [network, prefixLength] = matchedNetwork; return `${numberToIp(network)}/${prefixLength}`; } else { // IPv6 const [networkHigh, networkLow, prefixLength] = matchedNetwork; return `${twoNumbersToIpv6(networkHigh, networkLow)}/${prefixLength}`; } } else { return null; } } const subnetMaks32 = [ 0x00000000, // 0 0x80000000, // 1 0xc0000000, // 2 0xe0000000, // 3 0xf0000000, // 4 0xf8000000, // 5 0xfc000000, // 6 0xfe000000, // 7 0xff000000, // 8 0xff800000, // 9 0xffc00000, // 10 0xffe00000, // 11 0xfff00000, // 12 0xfff80000, // 13 0xfffc0000, // 14 0xfffe0000, // 15 0xffff0000, // 16 0xffff8000, // 17 0xffffc000, // 18 0xffffe000, // 19 0xfffff000, // 20 0xfffff800, // 21 0xfffffc00, // 22 0xfffffe00, // 23 0xffffff00, // 24 0xffffff80, // 25 0xffffffc0, // 26 0xffffffe0, // 27 0xfffffff0, // 28 0xfffffff8, // 29 0xfffffffc, // 30 0xfffffffe, // 31 0xffffffff, // 32 ]; const subnetMaks64 = [ 0x0000000000000000n, // 0 0x8000000000000000n, // 1 0xc000000000000000n, // 2 0xe000000000000000n, // 3 0xf000000000000000n, // 4 0xf800000000000000n, // 5 0xfc00000000000000n, // 6 0xfe00000000000000n, // 7 0xff00000000000000n, // 8 0xff80000000000000n, // 9 0xffc0000000000000n, // 10 0xffe0000000000000n, // 11 0xfff0000000000000n, // 12 0xfff8000000000000n, // 13 0xfffc000000000000n, // 14 0xfffe000000000000n, // 15 0xffff000000000000n, // 16 0xffff800000000000n, // 17 0xffffc00000000000n, // 18 0xffffe00000000000n, // 19 0xfffff00000000000n, // 20 0xfffff80000000000n, // 21 0xfffffc0000000000n, // 22 0xfffffe0000000000n, // 23 0xffffff0000000000n, // 24 0xffffff8000000000n, // 25 0xffffffc000000000n, // 26 0xffffffe000000000n, // 27 0xfffffff000000000n, // 28 0xfffffff800000000n, // 29 0xfffffffc00000000n, // 30 0xfffffffe00000000n, // 31 0xffffffff00000000n, // 32 0xffffffff80000000n, // 33 0xffffffffc0000000n, // 34 0xffffffffe0000000n, // 35 0xfffffffff0000000n, // 36 0xfffffffff8000000n, // 37 0xfffffffffc000000n, // 38 0xfffffffffe000000n, // 39 0xffffffffff000000n, // 40 0xffffffffff800000n, // 41 0xffffffffffc00000n, // 42 0xffffffffffe00000n, // 43 0xfffffffffff00000n, // 44 0xfffffffffff80000n, // 45 0xfffffffffffc0000n, // 46 0xfffffffffffe0000n, // 47 0xffffffffffff0000n, // 48 0xffffffffffff8000n, // 49 0xffffffffffffc000n, // 50 0xffffffffffffe000n, // 51 0xfffffffffffff000n, // 52 0xfffffffffffff800n, // 53 0xfffffffffffffc00n, // 54 0xfffffffffffffe00n, // 55 0xffffffffffffff00n, // 56 0xffffffffffffff80n, // 57 0xffffffffffffffc0n, // 58 0xffffffffffffffe0n, // 59 0xfffffffffffffff0n, // 60 0xfffffffffffffff8n, // 61 0xfffffffffffffffcn, // 62 0xfffffffffffffffen, // 63 0xffffffffffffffffn, // 64 ]; const directAccessIPv4Networks = [ [0xC0A80000, 16], // [0x0A000000, 8], // [0xAC100000, 12], // [0x7F000000, 8], // (Loopback) [0xA9FE0000, 16], // (Link Local) [0x64400000, 10], // (Carrier-grade NAT) // begin of ipv4 networks // end of ipv4 networks ]; const directAccessIPv6Networks = [ [0x0000000000000000n, 0x0000000000000000n, 128], // ::/128 (Unspecified Address) [0x0000000000000000n, 0x0000000000000001n, 128], // ::1/128 (Loopback Address) [0x20010db800000000n, 0x0000000000000000n, 32], // 2001:db8::/32 (Documentation Address) [0xfc00000000000000n, 0x0000000000000000n, 7], // fc00::/7 (Unique Local Address) [0xff00000000000000n, 0x0000000000000000n, 8], // ff00::/8 (Multicast Address) [0x2001000000000000n, 0x0000000000000000n, 16], // 2001::/16 (Teredo Address) [0xfe80000000000000n, 0x0000000000000000n, 10], // fe80::/10 (Link-Local Address) // begin of ipv6 networks // end of ipv6 networks ]; const proxyRules = { "local": direct, "": direct, "whitehouse.com": blocked, "google": proxy, // begin of proxy rules // end of proxy rules }; function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { if (isIpAddress(host)) { if(isInDirectAccessNetwork(host)) { return DIRECT; } else { var action = proxyRules[host]; if (action !== undefined) { return proxyBehaviors[action] || default_behavior; } return default_behavior; } } while (true) { var action = proxyRules[host]; if (action !== undefined) { return proxyBehaviors[action] || default_behavior; } var nextDot = host.indexOf("."); if (nextDot === -1) { break; } host = host.substring(nextDot + 1); } var remote_ip = undefined; if(typeof dnsResolveEx == 'function') { remote_ip = dnsResolveEx(host); } else if(typeof dnsResolve == 'function') { remote_ip = dnsResolve(host); } if(remote_ip !== undefined && isInDirectAccessNetwork(remote_ip)) { return DIRECT } return default_behavior; } if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.argv.includes('test')) { function assertNetwork(ip, expected) { const result = printMatchingNetwork(ip, directAccessIPv4Networks, directAccessIPv6Networks); if (result === expected) { console.log(`OK: Test for ${ip} passed.`); } else { console.log(`Failed: Test for ${ip} failed. Expected: ${expected}, but got: ${result}`); } } function assertProxyBehavior(host, expected) { const result = FindProxyForURL('', host); if (result === expected) { console.log(`OK: Test for ${host} => ${expected} passed.`); } else { console.log(`Failed: Test for ${host} failed. Expected: ${expected}, but got: ${result}`); } } function assertVisitHostWithProxy(host) { assertProxyBehavior(host, proxyBehaviors[proxy]); } function assertHostWithDefaultAction(host) { assertProxyBehavior(host, default_behavior); } function assertDirectHost(host) { assertProxyBehavior(host, proxyBehaviors[direct]); } function assertBlockedHost(host) { assertProxyBehavior(host, proxyBehaviors[blocked]); } function runTests() { assertNetwork("", ""); assertNetwork("", null); assertNetwork("", ""); assertNetwork("2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334", "2001:db8::/32"); assertNetwork("fe80::f0:c6b3:c766:9b1e", "fe80::/10"); assertVisitHostWithProxy("com.google"); assertVisitHostWithProxy("domains.google"); assertHostWithDefaultAction("www.not-google"); assertDirectHost(""); assertDirectHost(""); assertBlockedHost("www.whitehouse.com"); } runTests(); }