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2024-05-16 21:25:38 +08:00
// @ts-check
// Note: type annotations allow type checking and IDEs autocompletion
import type { Config } from '@docusaurus/types';
import type * as Preset from '@docusaurus/preset-classic';
import { themes } from 'prism-react-renderer';
const lightTheme = themes.github;
const darkTheme = themes.dracula;
/** @type {import('@docusaurus/types').Config} */
const config: Config = {
title: 'Tianji',
'All-in-One Insight Hub. Tianji = Website Analytics + Uptime Monitor + Server Status',
favicon: 'img/favicon.ico',
// Set the production url of your site here
url: 'https://tianji.msgbyte.com',
// Set the /<baseUrl>/ pathname under which your site is served
// For GitHub pages deployment, it is often '/<projectName>/'
baseUrl: '/',
// GitHub pages deployment config.
// If you aren't using GitHub pages, you don't need these.
organizationName: 'msgbyte', // Usually your GitHub org/user name.
projectName: 'tianji', // Usually your repo name.
onBrokenLinks: 'throw',
onBrokenMarkdownLinks: 'warn',
// Even if you don't use internalization, you can use this field to set useful
// metadata like html lang. For example, if your site is Chinese, you may want
// to replace "en" with "zh-Hans".
i18n: {
defaultLocale: 'en',
locales: ['en', 'fr', 'de', 'ja', 'zh-Hans'],
2024-05-16 21:25:38 +08:00
presets: [
/** @type {import('docusaurus-preset-openapi').Options} */
api: {
path: './openapi.json',
routeBasePath: '/api',
docs: {
sidebarPath: require.resolve('./sidebars.js'),
routeBasePath: '/docs',
2024-08-23 09:23:58 +02:00
editUrl: 'https://github.com/msgbyte/tianji/tree/master/website/',
2024-05-16 21:25:38 +08:00
theme: {
customCss: [
// need .git file, not easy build in vercel with cli, ignore now
// sitemap: {
// lastmod: 'date',
// changefreq: 'weekly',
// priority: 0.5,
// ignorePatterns: ['/tags/**'],
// filename: 'sitemap.xml',
// createSitemapItems: async (params) => {
// const { defaultCreateSitemapItems, ...rest } = params;
// const items = await defaultCreateSitemapItems(rest);
// return items.filter((item) => !item.url.includes('/page/'));
// },
// },
2024-05-16 21:25:38 +08:00
plugins: [require.resolve('docusaurus-plugin-image-zoom')],
themeConfig: {
// Replace with your project's social card
image: 'img/social-card.png',
metadata: [
name: 'keywords',
'opensource, free, tianji, umami, uptime, kuma, website, analysis, monitor, serverstatus, status page, docker',
{ name: 'twitter:card', content: 'summary_large_image' },
2024-05-18 00:33:10 +08:00
colorMode: {
defaultMode: 'dark',
disableSwitch: true,
respectPrefersColorScheme: false,
2024-05-16 21:25:38 +08:00
navbar: {
title: 'Tianji',
logo: {
alt: 'Tianji Logo',
src: 'img/logo.svg',
items: [
type: 'docSidebar',
sidebarId: 'tutorialSidebar',
position: 'left',
label: 'Docs',
{ to: '/pricing', label: 'Pricing', position: 'left' },
{ to: '/changelog', label: 'Changelog', position: 'left' },
{ to: '/api', label: 'API', position: 'left' },
href: 'https://demo.tianji.msgbyte.com/',
label: 'Demo',
position: 'right',
href: 'https://discord.gg/8Vv47wAEej',
label: 'Discord',
position: 'right',
href: 'https://github.com/msgbyte/tianji',
label: 'GitHub',
position: 'right',
type: 'localeDropdown',
position: 'right',
2024-05-16 21:25:38 +08:00
footer: {
style: 'dark',
links: [
title: 'Docs',
items: [
label: 'Tutorial',
to: '/docs/intro',
title: 'Community',
items: [
label: 'Stack Overflow',
href: 'https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/tianji',
label: 'Discord',
href: 'https://discord.gg/8Vv47wAEej',
label: 'Twitter',
href: 'https://twitter.com/moonrailgun',
title: 'More',
items: [
label: 'Changelog',
to: '/changelog',
label: 'API',
to: '/api',
label: 'GitHub',
href: 'https://github.com/msgbyte/tianji',
copyright: `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} Tianji, Inc. Built with Msgbyte.`,
prism: {
theme: lightTheme,
darkTheme: darkTheme,
zoom: {
selector: '.markdown :not(em) > img',
background: {
light: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
dark: 'rgb(50, 50, 50)',
config: {
// options you can specify via https://github.com/francoischalifour/medium-zoom#usage
} satisfies Preset.ThemeConfig,
scripts: [
src: 'https://tianji.moonrailgun.com/tracker.js',
async: true,
defer: true,
'data-website-id': 'clopxgjr6050tqn5dzxo7pjac',
src: 'https://plausible.io/js/script.outbound-links.js',
defer: true,
'data-domain': 'msgbyte.com',
2024-05-16 21:25:38 +08:00
module.exports = config;