/* prettier-ignore-start */ /* eslint-disable */ // @ts-nocheck // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols // This file is auto-generated by TanStack Router // Import Routes import { Route as rootRoute } from './routes/__root' import { Route as WebsiteImport } from './routes/website' import { Route as RegisterImport } from './routes/register' import { Route as LoginImport } from './routes/login' import { Route as IndexImport } from './routes/index' import { Route as WebsiteWebsiteIdImport } from './routes/website/$websiteId' // Create/Update Routes const WebsiteRoute = WebsiteImport.update({ path: '/website', getParentRoute: () => rootRoute, } as any) const RegisterRoute = RegisterImport.update({ path: '/register', getParentRoute: () => rootRoute, } as any) const LoginRoute = LoginImport.update({ path: '/login', getParentRoute: () => rootRoute, } as any) const IndexRoute = IndexImport.update({ path: '/', getParentRoute: () => rootRoute, } as any) const WebsiteWebsiteIdRoute = WebsiteWebsiteIdImport.update({ path: '/$websiteId', getParentRoute: () => WebsiteRoute, } as any) // Populate the FileRoutesByPath interface declare module '@tanstack/react-router' { interface FileRoutesByPath { '/': { preLoaderRoute: typeof IndexImport parentRoute: typeof rootRoute } '/login': { preLoaderRoute: typeof LoginImport parentRoute: typeof rootRoute } '/register': { preLoaderRoute: typeof RegisterImport parentRoute: typeof rootRoute } '/website': { preLoaderRoute: typeof WebsiteImport parentRoute: typeof rootRoute } '/website/$websiteId': { preLoaderRoute: typeof WebsiteWebsiteIdImport parentRoute: typeof WebsiteImport } } } // Create and export the route tree export const routeTree = rootRoute.addChildren([ IndexRoute, LoginRoute, RegisterRoute, WebsiteRoute.addChildren([WebsiteWebsiteIdRoute]), ]) /* prettier-ignore-end */