import { Server as SocketIOServer } from ''; import { Server as HTTPServer } from 'http'; import { jwtVerify } from '../middleware/auth'; import { socketEventBus } from './shared'; import { isUuid } from '../utils/common'; export function initSocketio(httpServer: HTTPServer) { const io = new SocketIOServer(httpServer, { transports: ['websocket'], serveClient: false, cors: { origin: '*', methods: ['GET', 'POST'], }, }); io.of((name, auth, next) => { const workspaceId = name.replace(/^\//, ''); next(null, isUuid(workspaceId)); // or false, when the creation is denied }) .use(async (socket, next) => { // Auth try { const token = socket.handshake.auth['token']; if (typeof token !== 'string') { throw new Error('Token cannot be empty'); } try { const user = jwtVerify(token); console.log('[Socket] Authenticated via JWT:', user.username); = user; = token; const workspaceId =^\//, ''); = workspaceId; next(); } catch (err) { console.error(err); next(new Error('TokenInvalid')); } } catch (err: any) { next(err); } }) .on('connection', (socket) => { if (! { return; } socket.onAny((eventName, eventData, callback) => { console.log('[Socket] receive:', { eventName, eventData }); socketEventBus.emit(eventName, eventData, socket, callback); }); }); }