import { trpc } from '@/api/trpc'; import { CommonHeader } from '@/components/CommonHeader'; import { CommonList } from '@/components/CommonList'; import { CommonWrapper } from '@/components/CommonWrapper'; import { Button } from '@/components/ui/button'; import { useDataReady } from '@/hooks/useDataReady'; import { useEvent } from '@/hooks/useEvent'; import { Layout } from '@/components/layout'; import { useCurrentWorkspaceId } from '@/store/user'; import { routeAuthBeforeLoad } from '@/utils/route'; import { cn } from '@/utils/style'; import { Trans, useTranslation } from '@i18next-toolkit/react'; import { createFileRoute, useNavigate, useRouterState, } from '@tanstack/react-router'; import { LuPlus } from 'react-icons/lu'; export const Route = createFileRoute('/telemetry')({ beforeLoad: routeAuthBeforeLoad, component: TelemetryComponent, }); function TelemetryComponent() { const workspaceId = useCurrentWorkspaceId(); const { t } = useTranslation(); const { data = [], isLoading } = trpc.telemetry.all.useQuery({ workspaceId, }); const { data: allEventCount = {} } = trpc.telemetry.allEventCount.useQuery({ workspaceId, }); const navigate = useNavigate(); const pathname = useRouterState({ select: (state) => state.location.pathname, }); const items = => ({ id:, title:, number: allEventCount[] ?? 0, href: `/telemetry/${}`, })); useDataReady( () => data.length > 0, () => { if (pathname === Route.fullPath) { navigate({ to: '/telemetry/$telemetryId', params: { telemetryId: data[0].id, }, }); } } ); const handleClickAdd = useEvent(() => { navigate({ to: '/telemetry/add', }); }); return (

Telemetry is a technology that reports access data even on pages that are not under your control. As long as the other website allows the insertion of third-party images (e.g., forums, blogs, and various rich-text editors), then the data can be collected and used to analyze the images when they are loaded by the user.

Generally, we will use a one-pixel blank image so that it will not affect the user's normal use.

At the same time, we can also use it in some client-side application scenarios, such as collecting the frequency of cli usage, such as collecting the installation of selfhosted apps, and so on.

} actions={ } /> } > } /> ); }