/** * TODO: wait for i18n with namespace */ export function useLocale() { return { bold: 'Bold', boldText: 'bold text', cheatsheet: 'Markdown Cheatsheet', closeHelp: 'Close help', closeToc: 'Close table of contents', code: 'Code', codeBlock: 'Code block', codeLang: 'lang', codeText: 'code', exitFullscreen: 'Exit fullscreen', exitPreviewOnly: 'Exit preview only', exitWriteOnly: 'Exit write only', fullscreen: 'Fullscreen', h1: 'Heading 1', h2: 'Heading 2', h3: 'Heading 3', h4: 'Heading 4', h5: 'Heading 5', h6: 'Heading 6', headingText: 'heading', help: 'Help', hr: 'Horizontal rule', image: 'Image', imageAlt: 'alt', imageTitle: 'title', italic: 'Italic', italicText: 'italic text', limited: 'The maximum character limit has been reached', lines: 'Lines', link: 'Link', linkText: 'link text', ol: 'Ordered list', olItem: 'item', preview: 'Preview', previewOnly: 'Preview only', quote: 'Quote', quotedText: 'quoted text', shortcuts: 'Shortcuts', source: 'Source code', sync: 'Scroll sync', toc: 'Table of contents', top: 'Scroll to top', ul: 'Unordered list', ulItem: 'item', words: 'Words', write: 'Write', writeOnly: 'Write only', }; }