#!/usr/bin/env bash set -Eeuo pipefail : "${MANUAL:="N"}" : "${EXTERNAL:="N"}" : "${VERSION:="win11x64"}" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "http"* ]] && EXTERNAL="Y" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "11" ]] && VERSION="win11x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win11" ]] && VERSION="win11x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "10" ]] && VERSION="win10x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win10" ]] && VERSION="win10x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "8" ]] && VERSION="win81x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "81" ]] && VERSION="win81x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "8.1" ]] && VERSION="win81x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win81" ]] && VERSION="win81x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win8" ]] && VERSION="win81x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "22" ]] && VERSION="win2022-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "2022" ]] && VERSION="win2022-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win22" ]] && VERSION="win2022-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win2022" ]] && VERSION="win2022-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "19" ]] && VERSION="win2019-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "2019" ]] && VERSION="win2019-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win19" ]] && VERSION="win2019-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win2019" ]] && VERSION="win2019-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "16" ]] && VERSION="win2016-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "2016" ]] && VERSION="win2016-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win16" ]] && VERSION="win2016-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win2016" ]] && VERSION="win2016-eval" MSG="Please wait while Windows is being started..." if [ ! -f "$STORAGE/custom.iso" ]; then if [[ "$EXTERNAL" != [Yy1]* ]]; then if [ ! -f "$STORAGE/$VERSION.iso" ]; then MSG="Please wait while Windows is being downloaded..." fi else BASE=$(basename "$VERSION") if [ ! -f "$STORAGE/$BASE" ]; then MSG="Please wait while '$BASE' is being downloaded..." fi fi fi # Display wait message /run/server.sh "Windows" "$MSG" & BASE="custom.iso" [ -f "$STORAGE/$BASE" ] && return 0 if [[ "$EXTERNAL" != [Yy1]* ]]; then BASE="$VERSION.iso" else BASE=$(basename "$VERSION") fi [ -f "$STORAGE/$BASE" ] && return 0 TMP="$STORAGE/tmp" rm -rf "$TMP" && mkdir -p "$TMP" ISO="$TMP/$BASE" rm -f "$ISO" if [[ "$EXTERNAL" != [Yy1]* ]]; then SCRIPT="$TMP/mido.sh" rm -f "$SCRIPT" cp /run/mido.sh "$SCRIPT" chmod +x "$SCRIPT" cd "$TMP" bash "$SCRIPT" "$VERSION" rm -f "$SCRIPT" cd /run else info "Downloading $BASE as boot image..." # Check if running with interactive TTY or redirected to docker log if [ -t 1 ]; then PROGRESS="--progress=bar:noscroll" else PROGRESS="--progress=dot:giga" fi { wget "$VERSION" -O "$ISO" -q --no-check-certificate --show-progress "$PROGRESS"; rc=$?; } || : (( rc != 0 )) && error "Failed to download $VERSION, reason: $rc" && exit 60 fi [ ! -f "$ISO" ] && error "Failed to download $VERSION" && exit 61 SIZE=$(stat -c%s "$ISO") if ((SIZE<10000000)); then error "Invalid ISO file: Size is smaller than 10 MB" && exit 62 fi info "Preparing ISO image for installation..." DIR="$TMP/unpack" rm -rf "$DIR" 7z x "$ISO" -o"$DIR" if [[ "$MANUAL" != [Yy1]* ]]; then if [[ "$EXTERNAL" != [Yy1]* ]]; then if [ -f "/run/assets/$VERSION.xml" ]; then wimlib-imagex update "$DIR/sources/boot.wim" 2 \ --command "add /run/assets/$VERSION.xml /autounattend.xml" fi fi fi LABEL="${BASE%.*}" LABEL="${LABEL::32}" ISO="$TMP/$LABEL.tmp" rm -f "$ISO" genisoimage -b boot/etfsboot.com -no-emul-boot -c BOOT.CAT -iso-level 4 -J -l -D -N -joliet-long -relaxed-filenames \ -v -V "$LABEL" -udf -boot-info-table -eltorito-alt-boot -eltorito-boot efi/microsoft/boot/efisys_noprompt.bin \ -no-emul-boot -o "$ISO" -allow-limited-size "$DIR" mv "$ISO" "$STORAGE/$BASE" rm -rf "$TMP" return 0