#!/usr/bin/env bash set -Eeuo pipefail : "${MANUAL:=""}" : "${DETECTED:=""}" : "${VERSION:="win11x64"}" if [[ "${VERSION}" == \"*\" || "${VERSION}" == \'*\' ]]; then VERSION="${VERSION:1:-1}" fi [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "11" ]] && VERSION="win11x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win11" ]] && VERSION="win11x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "10" ]] && VERSION="win10x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win10" ]] && VERSION="win10x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "8" ]] && VERSION="win81x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "81" ]] && VERSION="win81x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "8.1" ]] && VERSION="win81x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win8" ]] && VERSION="win81x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win81" ]] && VERSION="win81x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "7" ]] && VERSION="win7x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win7" ]] && VERSION="win7x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "vista" ]] && VERSION="winvistax64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "winvista" ]] && VERSION="winvistax64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "xp" ]] && VERSION="winxpx86" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "winxp" ]] && VERSION="winxpx86" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "22" ]] && VERSION="win2022-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "2022" ]] && VERSION="win2022-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win22" ]] && VERSION="win2022-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win2022" ]] && VERSION="win2022-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "19" ]] && VERSION="win2019-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "2019" ]] && VERSION="win2019-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win19" ]] && VERSION="win2019-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win2019" ]] && VERSION="win2019-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "16" ]] && VERSION="win2016-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "2016" ]] && VERSION="win2016-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win16" ]] && VERSION="win2016-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win2016" ]] && VERSION="win2016-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "2012" ]] && VERSION="win2012r2-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win2012" ]] && VERSION="win2012r2-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "2008" ]] && VERSION="win2008r2" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win2008" ]] && VERSION="win2008r2" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "ltsc10" ]] && VERSION="win10x64-enterprise-ltsc-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "10ltsc" ]] && VERSION="win10x64-enterprise-ltsc-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win10-ltsc" ]] && VERSION="win10x64-enterprise-ltsc-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win10x64-ltsc" ]] && VERSION="win10x64-enterprise-ltsc-eval" if [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win10x64-enterprise-ltsc-eval" ]]; then DETECTED="win10x64-ltsc" fi if [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win7x64" ]]; then DETECTED="win7x64" VERSION="https://dl.bobpony.com/windows/7/en_windows_7_enterprise_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677651.iso" fi if [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "winvistax64" ]]; then DETECTED="winvistax64" VERSION="https://dl.bobpony.com/windows/vista/en_windows_vista_sp2_x64_dvd_342267.iso" fi if [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "winxpx86" ]]; then DETECTED="winxpx86" VERSION="https://dl.bobpony.com/windows/xp/professional/en_windows_xp_professional_with_service_pack_3_x86_cd_vl_x14-73974.iso" fi if [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "core11" ]]; then DETECTED="win11x64" VERSION="https://archive.org/download/tiny-11-core-x-64-beta-1/tiny11%20core%20x64%20beta%201.iso" fi if [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "tiny11" ]]; then DETECTED="win11x64" VERSION="https://archive.org/download/tiny11-2311/tiny11%202311%20x64.iso" fi if [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "tiny10" ]]; then DETECTED="win10x64-ltsc" VERSION="https://archive.org/download/tiny-10-23-h2/tiny10%20x64%2023h2.iso" fi CUSTOM=$(find "$STORAGE" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname custom.iso -printf "%f\n" | head -n 1) [ -z "$CUSTOM" ] && CUSTOM=$(find "$STORAGE" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname boot.iso -printf "%f\n" | head -n 1) [ -z "$CUSTOM" ] && CUSTOM=$(find "$STORAGE" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname custom.img -printf "%f\n" | head -n 1) ESD_URL="" MACHINE="q35" TMP="$STORAGE/tmp" DIR="$TMP/unpack" FB="falling back to manual installation!" ETFS="boot/etfsboot.com" EFISYS="efi/microsoft/boot/efisys_noprompt.bin" printVersion() { local id="$1" local desc="" [[ "$id" == "win7"* ]] && desc="Windows 7" [[ "$id" == "win8"* ]] && desc="Windows 8" [[ "$id" == "win10"* ]] && desc="Windows 10" [[ "$id" == "win11"* ]] && desc="Windows 11" [[ "$id" == "winxp"* ]] && desc="Windows XP" [[ "$id" == "winvista"* ]] && desc="Windows Vista" [[ "$id" == "win2025"* ]] && desc="Windows Server 2025" [[ "$id" == "win2022"* ]] && desc="Windows Server 2022" [[ "$id" == "win2019"* ]] && desc="Windows Server 2019" [[ "$id" == "win2016"* ]] && desc="Windows Server 2016" [[ "$id" == "win2012"* ]] && desc="Windows Server 2012" [[ "$id" == "win2008"* ]] && desc="Windows Server 2008" [[ "$id" == "win10x64-ltsc" ]] && desc="Windows 10 LTSC" echo "$desc" return 0 } getName() { local file="$1" local desc="" [[ "${file,,}" == "win11"* ]] && desc="Windows 11" [[ "${file,,}" == "win10"* ]] && desc="Windows 10" [[ "${file,,}" == "win8.1"* ]] && desc="Windows 8" [[ "${file,,}" == "win8"* ]] && desc="Windows 8" [[ "${file,,}" == "win7"* ]] && desc="Windows 7" [[ "${file,,}" == "winxp"* ]] && desc="Windows XP" [[ "${file,,}" == "winvista"* ]] && desc="Windows Vista" [[ "${file,,}" == "tiny10"* ]] && desc="Tiny 10" [[ "${file,,}" == "tiny11"* ]] && desc="Tiny 11" [[ "${file,,}" == "tiny11_core"* ]] && desc="Tiny 11 Core" [[ "${file,,}" == *"windows11"* ]] && desc="Windows 11" [[ "${file,,}" == *"windows10"* ]] && desc="Windows 10" [[ "${file,,}" == *"windows8.1"* ]] && desc="Windows 8" [[ "${file,,}" == *"windows8"* ]] && desc="Windows 8" [[ "${file,,}" == *"windows7"* ]] && desc="Windows 7" [[ "${file,,}" == *"windowsxp"* ]] && desc="Windows XP" [[ "${file,,}" == *"windowsvista"* ]] && desc="Windows Vista" [[ "${file,,}" == *"windows_11"* ]] && desc="Windows 11" [[ "${file,,}" == *"windows_10"* ]] && desc="Windows 10" [[ "${file,,}" == *"windows_8.1"* ]] && desc="Windows 8" [[ "${file,,}" == *"windows_8"* ]] && desc="Windows 8" [[ "${file,,}" == *"windows_7"* ]] && desc="Windows 7" [[ "${file,,}" == *"windows_xp"* ]] && desc="Windows XP" [[ "${file,,}" == *"windows_vista"* ]] && desc="Windows Vista" [[ "${file,,}" == *"server2008"* ]] && desc="Windows Server 2008" [[ "${file,,}" == *"server2012"* ]] && desc="Windows Server 2012" [[ "${file,,}" == *"server2016"* ]] && desc="Windows Server 2016" [[ "${file,,}" == *"server2019"* ]] && desc="Windows Server 2019" [[ "${file,,}" == *"server2022"* ]] && desc="Windows Server 2022" [[ "${file,,}" == *"server2025"* ]] && desc="Windows Server 2025" [[ "${file,,}" == *"server_2008"* ]] && desc="Windows Server 2008" [[ "${file,,}" == *"server_2012"* ]] && desc="Windows Server 2012" [[ "${file,,}" == *"server_2016"* ]] && desc="Windows Server 2016" [[ "${file,,}" == *"server_2019"* ]] && desc="Windows Server 2019" [[ "${file,,}" == *"server_2022"* ]] && desc="Windows Server 2022" [[ "${file,,}" == *"server_2025"* ]] && desc="Windows Server 2025" echo "$desc" return 0 } getVersion() { local name="$1" local detected="" [[ "${name,,}" == *"windows 7"* ]] && detected="win7x64" [[ "${name,,}" == *"windows 8"* ]] && detected="win81x64" [[ "${name,,}" == *"windows 11"* ]] && detected="win11x64" [[ "${name,,}" == *"windows vista"* ]] && detected="winvistax64" [[ "${name,,}" == *"server 2025"* ]] && detected="win2025-eval" [[ "${name,,}" == *"server 2022"* ]] && detected="win2022-eval" [[ "${name,,}" == *"server 2019"* ]] && detected="win2019-eval" [[ "${name,,}" == *"server 2016"* ]] && detected="win2016-eval" [[ "${name,,}" == *"server 2012"* ]] && detected="win2012r2-eval" [[ "${name,,}" == *"server 2008"* ]] && detected="win2008r2" if [[ "${name,,}" == *"windows 10"* ]]; then if [[ "${name,,}" == *"ltsc"* ]]; then detected="win10x64-ltsc" else detected="win10x64" fi fi echo "$detected" return 0 } hasDisk() { [ -b "${DEVICE:-}" ] && return 0 if [ -f "$STORAGE/data.img" ] || [ -f "$STORAGE/data.qcow2" ]; then return 0 fi return 1 } skipInstall() { if hasDisk && [ -f "$STORAGE/windows.boot" ]; then return 0 fi return 1 } finishInstall() { local iso="$1" # Mark ISO as prepared via magic byte printf '\x16' | dd of="$iso" bs=1 seek=0 count=1 conv=notrunc status=none rm -f "$STORAGE/windows.boot" cp /run/version "$STORAGE/windows.ver" if [[ "${BOOT_MODE,,}" == "windows_legacy" ]]; then echo "$MACHINE" > "$STORAGE/windows.old" else rm -f "$STORAGE/windows.old" fi rm -rf "$TMP" return 0 } abortInstall() { local iso="$1" if [[ "$iso" != "$STORAGE/$BASE" ]]; then mv -f "$iso" "$STORAGE/$BASE" fi finishInstall "$STORAGE/$BASE" return 0 } startInstall() { html "Starting Windows..." if [ -f "$STORAGE/$CUSTOM" ]; then EXTERNAL="Y" BASE="$CUSTOM" else CUSTOM="" if [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "http"* ]]; then EXTERNAL="Y" else EXTERNAL="N" fi if [[ "$EXTERNAL" != [Yy1]* ]]; then BASE="$VERSION.iso" else BASE=$(basename "${VERSION%%\?*}") : "${BASE//+/ }"; printf -v BASE '%b' "${_//%/\\x}" BASE=$(echo "$BASE" | sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9._-]/_/g') fi [[ "${BASE,,}" == "boot."* ]] && BASE="windows.iso" [[ "${BASE,,}" == "custom."* ]] && BASE="windows.iso" fi [ -z "$MANUAL" ] && MANUAL="N" if [ -f "$STORAGE/$BASE" ]; then # Check if the ISO was already processed by our script local magic="" magic=$(dd if="$STORAGE/$BASE" seek=0 bs=1 count=1 status=none | tr -d '\000') magic="$(printf '%s' "$magic" | od -A n -t x1 -v | tr -d ' \n')" if [[ "$magic" == "16" ]]; then if hasDisk || [[ "$MANUAL" = [Yy1]* ]]; then return 1 fi fi EXTERNAL="Y" CUSTOM="$BASE" else if skipInstall; then BASE="" return 1 fi fi mkdir -p "$TMP" if [ ! -f "$STORAGE/$CUSTOM" ]; then CUSTOM="" ISO="$TMP/$BASE" else ISO="$STORAGE/$CUSTOM" fi rm -f "$TMP/$BASE" return 0 } getESD() { local dir="$1" local file="$2" local architecture="x64" local winCatalog size case "${VERSION,,}" in win11x64) winCatalog="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?linkid=2156292" ;; win10x64) winCatalog="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=841361" ;; *) error "Invalid ESD version specified: $VERSION" return 1 ;; esac local msg="Downloading product information from Microsoft..." info "$msg" && html "$msg" rm -rf "$dir" mkdir -p "$dir" local wFile="catalog.cab" { wget "$winCatalog" -O "$dir/$wFile" -q --no-check-certificate; rc=$?; } || : (( rc != 0 )) && error "Failed to download $winCatalog , reason: $rc" && return 1 cd "$dir" if ! cabextract "$wFile" > /dev/null; then cd /run error "Failed to extract CAB file!" && return 1 fi cd /run if [ ! -f "$dir/products.xml" ]; then error "Failed to find products.xml!" && return 1 fi local esdLang="en-us" local editionName="Professional" local edQuery='//File[Architecture="'${architecture}'"][Edition="'${editionName}'"]' echo -e '' > "${dir}/products_filter.xml" xmllint --nonet --xpath "${edQuery}" "${dir}/products.xml" >> "${dir}/products_filter.xml" 2>/dev/null echo -e ''>> "${dir}/products_filter.xml" xmllint --nonet --xpath '//File[LanguageCode="'${esdLang}'"]' "${dir}/products_filter.xml" >"${dir}/esd_edition.xml" size=$(stat -c%s "${dir}/esd_edition.xml") if ((size<20)); then error "Failed to find Windows product!" && return 1 fi ESD_URL=$(xmllint --nonet --xpath '//FilePath' "${dir}/esd_edition.xml" | sed -E -e 's/<[\/]?FilePath>//g') if [ -z "$ESD_URL" ]; then error "Failed to find ESD url!" && return 1 fi rm -rf "$dir" return 0 } downloadImage() { local iso="$1" local url="$2" local file="$iso" local desc rc progress rm -f "$iso" if [[ "$EXTERNAL" != [Yy1]* ]]; then file="$iso.PART" desc=$(printVersion "$VERSION") [ -z "$desc" ] && desc="Windows" else desc=$(getName "$BASE") [ -z "$desc" ] && desc="$BASE" fi local msg="Downloading $desc..." info "$msg" && html "$msg" /run/progress.sh "$file" "Downloading $desc ([P])..." & if [[ "$EXTERNAL" != [Yy1]* ]]; then cd "$TMP" { /run/mido.sh "$url"; rc=$?; } || : cd /run fKill "progress.sh" if (( rc == 0 )); then [ ! -f "$iso" ] && return 1 html "Download finished successfully..." return 0 fi if [[ "$VERSION" != "win10x64"* ]] && [[ "$VERSION" != "win11x64" ]]; then return 1 fi info "Failed to download $desc using Mido, will try a different method now..." ISO="$TMP/$VERSION.esd" iso="$ISO" file="$ISO" rm -f "$iso" if ! getESD "$TMP/esd" "$iso"; then return 1 fi url="$ESD_URL" msg="Downloading $desc..." info "$msg" && html "$msg" /run/progress.sh "$iso" "Downloading $desc ([P])..." & fi # Check if running with interactive TTY or redirected to docker log if [ -t 1 ]; then progress="--progress=bar:noscroll" else progress="--progress=dot:giga" fi { wget "$url" -O "$iso" -q --no-check-certificate --show-progress "$progress"; rc=$?; } || : fKill "progress.sh" (( rc != 0 )) && error "Failed to download $url , reason: $rc" && exit 60 [ ! -f "$iso" ] && return 1 html "Download finished successfully..." return 0 } extractESD() { local iso="$1" local dir="$2" local size size_gb space space_gb desc desc=$(printVersion "$VERSION") local msg="Extracting $desc bootdisk..." info "$msg" && html "$msg" size=16106127360 size_gb=$(( (size + 1073741823)/1073741824 )) space=$(df --output=avail -B 1 "$TMP" | tail -n 1) space_gb=$(( (space + 1073741823)/1073741824 )) if ((size<10000000)); then error "Invalid ESD file: Size is smaller than 10 MB" && exit 62 fi if (( size > space )); then error "Not enough free space in $STORAGE, have $space_gb GB available but need at least $size_gb GB." && exit 63 fi rm -rf "$dir" mkdir -p "$dir" local esdImageCount esdImageCount=$(wimlib-imagex info "${iso}" | awk '/Image Count:/ {print $3}') wimlib-imagex apply "$iso" 1 "${dir}" --quiet 2>/dev/null || { retVal=$? error "Extracting bootdisk failed" && return $retVal } local bootWimFile="${dir}/sources/boot.wim" local installWimFile="${dir}/sources/install.wim" local msg="Extracting $desc environment..." info "$msg" && html "$msg" wimlib-imagex export "${iso}" 2 "${bootWimFile}" --compress=LZX --chunk-size 32K --quiet || { retVal=$? error "Adding WinPE failed" && return ${retVal} } local msg="Extracting $desc setup..." info "$msg" && html "$msg" wimlib-imagex export "${iso}" 3 "$bootWimFile" --compress=LZX --chunk-size 32K --boot --quiet || { retVal=$? error "Adding Windows Setup failed" && return ${retVal} } local msg="Extracting $desc image..." info "$msg" && html "$msg" local edition imageIndex imageEdition case "${VERSION,,}" in win11x64) edition="11 pro" ;; win10x64) edition="10 pro" ;; *) error "Invalid version specified: $VERSION" return 1 ;; esac for (( imageIndex=4; imageIndex<=esdImageCount; imageIndex++ )); do imageEdition=$(wimlib-imagex info "${iso}" ${imageIndex} | grep '^Description:' | sed 's/Description:[ \t]*//') [[ "${imageEdition,,}" != *"$edition"* ]] && continue wimlib-imagex export "${iso}" ${imageIndex} "${installWimFile}" --compress=LZMS --chunk-size 128K --quiet || { retVal=$? error "Addition of ${imageIndex} to the image failed" && return $retVal } return 0 done error "Failed to find product in install.wim!" return 1 } extractImage() { local iso="$1" local dir="$2" local desc="downloaded ISO" local size size_gb space space_gb if [[ "${iso,,}" == *".esd" ]]; then if ! extractESD "$iso" "$dir"; then error "Failed to extract ESD file!" exit 67 fi return 0 fi if [[ "$EXTERNAL" != [Yy1]* ]] && [ -z "$CUSTOM" ]; then desc=$(printVersion "$VERSION") [ -z "$desc" ] && desc="downloaded ISO" fi local msg="Extracting $desc image..." [ -n "$CUSTOM" ] && msg="Extracting local ISO image..." info "$msg" && html "$msg" size=$(stat -c%s "$iso") size_gb=$(( (size + 1073741823)/1073741824 )) space=$(df --output=avail -B 1 "$TMP" | tail -n 1) space_gb=$(( (space + 1073741823)/1073741824 )) if ((size<10000000)); then error "Invalid ISO file: Size is smaller than 10 MB" && exit 62 fi if (( size > space )); then error "Not enough free space in $STORAGE, have $space_gb GB available but need at least $size_gb GB." && exit 63 fi rm -rf "$dir" if ! 7z x "$iso" -o"$dir" > /dev/null; then error "Failed to extract ISO file!" exit 66 fi return 0 } detectImage() { XML="" local dir="$1" if [ -n "$CUSTOM" ]; then DETECTED="" else if [ -z "$DETECTED" ] && [[ "$EXTERNAL" != [Yy1]* ]]; then DETECTED="$VERSION" fi fi if [ -n "$DETECTED" ]; then if [ -f "/run/assets/$DETECTED.xml" ]; then [[ "$MANUAL" != [Yy1]* ]] && XML="$DETECTED.xml" return 0 fi if [[ "${DETECTED,,}" != "winxp"* ]]; then local dsc dsc=$(printVersion "$DETECTED") [ -z "$dsc" ] && dsc="$DETECTED" warn "got $dsc, but no matching XML file exists, $FB." fi return 0 fi info "Detecting Windows version from ISO image..." if [ -f "$dir/WIN51" ] || [ -f "$dir/SETUPXP.HTM" ]; then DETECTED="winxpx86" info "Detected: Windows XP" return 0 fi local src=$(find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -type d -iname sources | head -n 1) if [ ! -d "$src" ]; then warn "failed to locate 'sources' folder in ISO image, $FB" BOOT_MODE="windows_legacy" return 1 fi local tag result name name2 desc local loc=$(find "$src" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname install.wim | head -n 1) [ ! -f "$loc" ] && loc=$(find "$src" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname install.esd | head -n 1) if [ ! -f "$loc" ]; then warn "failed to locate 'install.wim' or 'install.esd' in ISO image, $FB" BOOT_MODE="windows_legacy" return 1 fi tag="DISPLAYNAME" result=$(wimlib-imagex info -xml "$loc" | tr -d '\000') name=$(sed -n "/$tag/{s/.*<$tag>\(.*\)<\/$tag>.*/\1/;p}" <<< "$result") DETECTED=$(getVersion "$name") if [ -z "$DETECTED" ]; then tag="PRODUCTNAME" name2=$(sed -n "/$tag/{s/.*<$tag>\(.*\)<\/$tag>.*/\1/;p}" <<< "$result") [ -z "$name" ] && name="$name2" DETECTED=$(getVersion "$name2") fi if [ -z "$DETECTED" ]; then warn "failed to determine Windows version from string '$name', $FB" return 0 fi desc=$(printVersion "$DETECTED") [ -z "$desc" ] && desc="$DETECTED" if [ -f "/run/assets/$DETECTED.xml" ]; then [[ "$MANUAL" != [Yy1]* ]] && XML="$DETECTED.xml" info "Detected: $desc" else warn "detected $desc, but no matching XML file exists, $FB." fi return 0 } prepareXP() { local iso="$1" local dir="$2" local arch="x86" local target="$dir/I386" if [ -d "$dir/AMD64" ]; then arch="amd64" target="$dir/AMD64" fi MACHINE="pc-q35-2.10" BOOT_MODE="windows_legacy" ETFS="[BOOT]/Boot-NoEmul.img" [[ "$MANUAL" == [Yy1]* ]] && return 0 local drivers="$TMP/drivers" rm -rf "$drivers" if ! 7z x /run/drivers.iso -o"$drivers" > /dev/null; then error "Failed to extract driver ISO file!" exit 66 fi cp "$drivers/viostor/xp/$arch/viostor.sys" "$target" mkdir -p "$dir/\$OEM\$/\$1/Drivers/viostor" cp "$drivers/viostor/xp/$arch/viostor.cat" "$dir/\$OEM\$/\$1/Drivers/viostor" cp "$drivers/viostor/xp/$arch/viostor.inf" "$dir/\$OEM\$/\$1/Drivers/viostor" cp "$drivers/viostor/xp/$arch/viostor.sys" "$dir/\$OEM\$/\$1/Drivers/viostor" mkdir -p "$dir/\$OEM\$/\$1/Drivers/NetKVM" cp "$drivers/NetKVM/xp/$arch/netkvm.cat" "$dir/\$OEM\$/\$1/Drivers/NetKVM" cp "$drivers/NetKVM/xp/$arch/netkvm.inf" "$dir/\$OEM\$/\$1/Drivers/NetKVM" cp "$drivers/NetKVM/xp/$arch/netkvm.sys" "$dir/\$OEM\$/\$1/Drivers/NetKVM" sed -i '/^\[SCSI.Load\]/s/$/\nviostor=viostor.sys,4/' "$target/TXTSETUP.SIF" sed -i '/^\[SourceDisksFiles.'"$arch"'\]/s/$/\nviostor.sys=1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4/' "$target/TXTSETUP.SIF" sed -i '/^\[SCSI\]/s/$/\nviostor=\"Red Hat VirtIO SCSI Disk Device\"/' "$target/TXTSETUP.SIF" sed -i '/^\[HardwareIdsDatabase\]/s/$/\nPCI\\VEN_1AF4\&DEV_1001\&SUBSYS_00000000=\"viostor\"/' "$target/TXTSETUP.SIF" sed -i '/^\[HardwareIdsDatabase\]/s/$/\nPCI\\VEN_1AF4\&DEV_1001\&SUBSYS_00020000=\"viostor\"/' "$target/TXTSETUP.SIF" sed -i '/^\[HardwareIdsDatabase\]/s/$/\nPCI\\VEN_1AF4\&DEV_1001\&SUBSYS_00021AF4=\"viostor\"/' "$target/TXTSETUP.SIF" sed -i '/^\[HardwareIdsDatabase\]/s/$/\nPCI\\VEN_1AF4\&DEV_1001\&SUBSYS_00000000=\"viostor\"/' "$target/TXTSETUP.SIF" mkdir -p "$dir/\$OEM\$/\$1/Drivers/sata" cp -a "$drivers/sata/xp/$arch/." "$dir/\$OEM\$/\$1/Drivers/sata" cp -a "$drivers/sata/xp/$arch/." "$target" sed -i '/^\[SCSI.Load\]/s/$/\niaStor=iaStor.sys,4/' "$target/TXTSETUP.SIF" sed -i '/^\[FileFlags\]/s/$/\niaStor.sys = 16/' "$target/TXTSETUP.SIF" sed -i '/^\[SourceDisksFiles.'"$arch"'\]/s/$/\niaStor.cat = 1,,,,,,,1,0,0/' "$target/TXTSETUP.SIF" sed -i '/^\[SourceDisksFiles.'"$arch"'\]/s/$/\niaStor.inf = 1,,,,,,,1,0,0/' "$target/TXTSETUP.SIF" sed -i '/^\[SourceDisksFiles.'"$arch"'\]/s/$/\niaStor.sys = 1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4/' "$target/TXTSETUP.SIF" sed -i '/^\[SourceDisksFiles.'"$arch"'\]/s/$/\niaStor.sys = 1,,,,,,,1,0,0/' "$target/TXTSETUP.SIF" sed -i '/^\[SourceDisksFiles.'"$arch"'\]/s/$/\niaahci.cat = 1,,,,,,,1,0,0/' "$target/TXTSETUP.SIF" sed -i '/^\[SourceDisksFiles.'"$arch"'\]/s/$/\niaAHCI.inf = 1,,,,,,,1,0,0/' "$target/TXTSETUP.SIF" sed -i '/^\[SCSI\]/s/$/\niaStor=\"Intel\(R\) SATA RAID\/AHCI Controller\"/' "$target/TXTSETUP.SIF" sed -i '/^\[HardwareIdsDatabase\]/s/$/\nPCI\\VEN_8086\&DEV_2922\&CC_0106=\"iaStor\"/' "$target/TXTSETUP.SIF" local key="M6TF9-8XQ2M-YQK9F-7TBB2-XGG88" [[ "${arch,,}" == "amd64" ]] && key="B66VY-4D94T-TPPD4-43F72-8X4FY" find "$target" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname winnt.sif -exec rm {} \; { echo "[Data]" echo "AutoPartition=1" echo "MsDosInitiated=\"0\"" echo "UnattendedInstall=\"Yes\"" echo "AutomaticUpdates=\"Yes\"" echo "" echo "[Unattended]" echo "UnattendSwitch=Yes" echo "UnattendMode=FullUnattended" echo "FileSystem=NTFS" echo "OemSkipEula=Yes" echo "OemPreinstall=Yes" echo "Repartition=Yes" echo "WaitForReboot=\"No\"" echo "DriverSigningPolicy=\"Ignore\"" echo "NonDriverSigningPolicy=\"Ignore\"" echo "OemPnPDriversPath=\"Drivers\viostor;Drivers\NetKVM;Drivers\sata\"" echo "NoWaitAfterTextMode=1" echo "NoWaitAfterGUIMode=1" echo "FileSystem-ConvertNTFS" echo "ExtendOemPartition=0" echo "Hibernation=\"No\"" echo "" echo "[GuiUnattended]" echo "OEMSkipRegional=1" echo "OemSkipWelcome=1" echo "AdminPassword=*" echo "TimeZone=0" echo "AutoLogon=Yes" echo "AutoLogonCount=65432" echo "" echo "[UserData]" echo "FullName=\"Docker\"" echo "ComputerName=\"*\"" echo "OrgName=\"Windows for Docker\"" echo "ProductKey=$key" echo "" echo "[Identification]" echo "JoinWorkgroup = WORKGROUP" echo "" echo "[Networking]" echo "InstallDefaultComponents=Yes" echo "" echo "[URL]" echo "Home_Page = http://www.google.com" echo "Search_Page = http://www.google.com/ie_rsearch.html" echo "AutoConfig = 0" echo "" echo "[RegionalSettings]" echo "Language=00000409" echo "" echo "[TerminalServices]" echo "AllowConnections=1" } | unix2dos > "$target/WINNT.SIF" rm -rf "$drivers" return 0 } prepareLegacy() { local iso="$1" local dir="$2" ETFS="boot.img" BOOT_MODE="windows_legacy" rm -f "$dir/$ETFS" local len offset len=$(isoinfo -d -i "$iso" | grep "Nsect " | grep -o "[^ ]*$") offset=$(isoinfo -d -i "$iso" | grep "Bootoff " | grep -o "[^ ]*$") if ! dd "if=$iso" "of=$dir/$ETFS" bs=2048 "count=$len" "skip=$offset" status=none; then error "Failed to extract boot image from ISO!" exit 67 fi return 0 } prepareImage() { local iso="$1" local dir="$2" if [[ "${BOOT_MODE,,}" == "windows" ]]; then if [[ "${DETECTED,,}" != "winxp"* ]] && [[ "${DETECTED,,}" != "win2008"* ]]; then if [[ "${DETECTED,,}" != "winvista"* ]] && [[ "${DETECTED,,}" != "win7"* ]]; then if [ -f "$dir/$ETFS" ] && [ -f "$dir/$EFISYS" ]; then return 0 fi if [ ! -f "$dir/$ETFS" ]; then warn "failed to locate file 'etfsboot.com' in ISO image, falling back to legacy boot!" else warn "failed to locate file 'efisys_noprompt.bin' in ISO image, falling back to legacy boot!" fi fi fi fi if [[ "${DETECTED,,}" == "winxp"* ]]; then if ! prepareXP "$iso" "$dir"; then error "Failed to prepare Windows XP ISO!" return 1 fi else if ! prepareLegacy "$iso" "$dir"; then error "Failed to prepare Windows ISO!" return 1 fi fi return 0 } updateImage() { local iso="$1" local dir="$2" local asset="/run/assets/$3" local index result [ ! -f "$asset" ] && return 0 local path=$(find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname autounattend.xml | head -n 1) [ -n "$path" ] && cp "$asset" "$path" local src=$(find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -type d -iname sources | head -n 1) if [ ! -d "$src" ]; then warn "failed to locate 'sources' folder in ISO image, $FB" BOOT_MODE="windows_legacy" return 1 fi local loc=$(find "$src" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname boot.wim | head -n 1) [ ! -f "$loc" ] && loc=$(find "$src" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname boot.esd | head -n 1) if [ ! -f "$loc" ]; then warn "failed to locate 'boot.wim' or 'boot.esd' in ISO image, $FB" BOOT_MODE="windows_legacy" return 1 fi info "Adding XML file for automatic installation..." index="1" result=$(wimlib-imagex info -xml "$loc" | tr -d '\000') if [[ "${result^^}" == *""* ]]; then index="2" fi if ! wimlib-imagex update "$loc" "$index" --command "add $asset /autounattend.xml" > /dev/null; then warn "failed to add XML to ISO image, $FB" return 1 fi return 0 } buildImage() { local dir="$1" local cat="BOOT.CAT" local label="${BASE%.*}" local log="/run/shm/iso.log" local size size_gb space space_gb desc label="${label::30}" local out="$TMP/$label.tmp" rm -f "$out" desc=$(printVersion "$DETECTED") [ -z "$desc" ] && desc="ISO" local msg="Building $desc image..." info "$msg" && html "$msg" size=$(du -h -b --max-depth=0 "$dir" | cut -f1) size_gb=$(( (size + 1073741823)/1073741824 )) space=$(df --output=avail -B 1 "$TMP" | tail -n 1) space_gb=$(( (space + 1073741823)/1073741824 )) if (( size > space )); then error "Not enough free space in $STORAGE, have $space_gb GB available but need at least $size_gb GB." return 1 fi if [[ "${BOOT_MODE,,}" != "windows_legacy" ]]; then if ! genisoimage -o "$out" -b "$ETFS" -no-emul-boot -c "$cat" -iso-level 4 -J -l -D -N -joliet-long -relaxed-filenames -V "$label" \ -udf -boot-info-table -eltorito-alt-boot -eltorito-boot "$EFISYS" -no-emul-boot -allow-limited-size -quiet "$dir" 2> "$log"; then [ -f "$log" ] && echo "$(<"$log")" return 1 fi else if [[ "${DETECTED,,}" != "winxp"* ]]; then if ! genisoimage -o "$out" -b "$ETFS" -no-emul-boot -c "$cat" -iso-level 2 -J -l -D -N -joliet-long -relaxed-filenames -V "$label" \ -udf -allow-limited-size -quiet "$dir" 2> "$log"; then [ -f "$log" ] && echo "$(<"$log")" return 1 fi else if ! genisoimage -o "$out" -b "$ETFS" -no-emul-boot -boot-load-seg 1984 -boot-load-size 4 -c "$cat" -iso-level 2 -J -l -D -N -joliet-long \ -relaxed-filenames -V "$label" -quiet "$dir" 2> "$log"; then [ -f "$log" ] && echo "$(<"$log")" return 1 fi fi fi local error="" local hide="Warning: creating filesystem that does not conform to ISO-9660." [ -f "$log" ] && error="$(<"$log")" [[ "$error" != "$hide" ]] && echo "$error" if [ -f "$STORAGE/$BASE" ]; then error "File $STORAGE/$BASE does already exist?!" return 1 fi mv "$out" "$STORAGE/$BASE" return 0 } ###################################### if ! startInstall; then if [ -f "$STORAGE/windows.old" ]; then MACHINE=$(<"$STORAGE/windows.old") [ -z "$MACHINE" ] && MACHINE="q35" BOOT_MODE="windows_legacy" fi rm -rf "$TMP" return 0 fi if [ ! -f "$ISO" ]; then if ! downloadImage "$ISO" "$VERSION"; then error "Failed to download $VERSION" exit 61 fi fi if ! extractImage "$ISO" "$DIR"; then abortInstall "$ISO" return 0 fi if ! detectImage "$DIR"; then abortInstall "$ISO" return 0 fi if ! prepareImage "$ISO" "$DIR"; then abortInstall "$ISO" return 0 fi if ! updateImage "$ISO" "$DIR" "$XML"; then abortInstall "$ISO" return 0 fi rm -f "$ISO" if ! buildImage "$DIR"; then error "Failed to build image!" exit 65 fi finishInstall "$STORAGE/$BASE" html "Successfully prepared image for installation..." return 0