#!/usr/bin/env bash set -Eeuo pipefail : "${MANUAL:=""}" : "${VERSION:="win11x64"}" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "11" ]] && VERSION="win11x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win11" ]] && VERSION="win11x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "10" ]] && VERSION="win10x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win10" ]] && VERSION="win10x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "8" ]] && VERSION="win81x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "81" ]] && VERSION="win81x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "8.1" ]] && VERSION="win81x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win81" ]] && VERSION="win81x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win8" ]] && VERSION="win81x64" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "22" ]] && VERSION="win2022-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "2022" ]] && VERSION="win2022-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win22" ]] && VERSION="win2022-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win2022" ]] && VERSION="win2022-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "19" ]] && VERSION="win2019-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "2019" ]] && VERSION="win2019-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win19" ]] && VERSION="win2019-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win2019" ]] && VERSION="win2019-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "16" ]] && VERSION="win2016-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "2016" ]] && VERSION="win2016-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win16" ]] && VERSION="win2016-eval" [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "win2016" ]] && VERSION="win2016-eval" if [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "tiny10" ]]; then VERSION="https://archive.org/download/tiny-10-23-h2/tiny10%20x64%2023h2.iso" fi if [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "tiny11" ]]; then VERSION="https://archive.org/download/tiny-11-core-x-64-beta-1/tiny11%20core%20x64%20beta%201.iso" fi if [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "http"* ]]; then EXTERNAL="Y" else EXTERNAL="N" fi MSG="Windows is being started, please wait..." if [[ "$EXTERNAL" != [Yy1]* ]]; then BASE="$VERSION.iso" if [ ! -f "$STORAGE/$BASE" ]; then MSG="Windows is being downloaded, please wait..." fi else BASE=$(basename "${VERSION%%\?*}") : "${BASE//+/ }"; printf -v BASE '%b' "${_//%/\\x}" BASE=$(echo "$BASE" | sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9._-]/_/g') if [ ! -f "$STORAGE/$BASE" ]; then MSG="Image '$BASE' is being downloaded, please wait..." fi fi [[ "${BASE,,}" == "custom."* ]] && BASE="target.iso" html "$MSG" TMP="$STORAGE/tmp" if [ -f "$STORAGE/$BASE" ]; then rm -rf "$TMP" return 0 fi mkdir -p "$TMP" ISO="$TMP/$BASE" rm -f "$ISO" CUSTOM="custom.iso" [ ! -f "$STORAGE/$CUSTOM" ] && CUSTOM="custom.img" [ ! -f "$STORAGE/$CUSTOM" ] && CUSTOM="Custom.iso" [ ! -f "$STORAGE/$CUSTOM" ] && CUSTOM="Custom.img" [ ! -f "$STORAGE/$CUSTOM" ] && CUSTOM="custom.ISO" [ ! -f "$STORAGE/$CUSTOM" ] && CUSTOM="custom.IMG" [ ! -f "$STORAGE/$CUSTOM" ] && CUSTOM="CUSTOM.ISO" [ ! -f "$STORAGE/$CUSTOM" ] && CUSTOM="CUSTOM.IMG" if [ ! -f "$STORAGE/$CUSTOM" ]; then CUSTOM="" else ISO="$STORAGE/$CUSTOM" fi if [ ! -f "$ISO" ]; then if [[ "$EXTERNAL" != [Yy1]* ]]; then cd "$TMP" /run/mido.sh "$VERSION" cd /run else info "Downloading $BASE as boot image..." # Check if running with interactive TTY or redirected to docker log if [ -t 1 ]; then PROGRESS="--progress=bar:noscroll" else PROGRESS="--progress=dot:giga" fi { wget "$VERSION" -O "$ISO" -q --no-check-certificate --show-progress "$PROGRESS"; rc=$?; } || : (( rc != 0 )) && echo && error "Failed to download $VERSION, reason: $rc" && exit 60 fi [ ! -f "$ISO" ] && echo && error "Failed to download $VERSION" && exit 61 fi SIZE=$(stat -c%s "$ISO") SIZE_GB=$(( (SIZE + 1073741823)/1073741824 )) if ((SIZE<10000000)); then echo && error "Invalid ISO file: Size is smaller than 10 MB" && exit 62 fi SPACE=$(df --output=avail -B 1 "$TMP" | tail -n 1) SPACE_GB=$(( (SPACE + 1073741823)/1073741824 )) if (( SIZE > SPACE )); then error "Not enough free space in $STORAGE, have $SPACE_GB GB available but need at least $SIZE_GB GB." && exit 63 fi if [ -n "$CUSTOM" ]; then MSG="Extracting custom ISO image..." else MSG="Extracting downloaded ISO image..." fi echo && info "$MSG" && html "$MSG" DIR="$TMP/unpack" rm -rf "$DIR" 7z x "$ISO" -o"$DIR" > /dev/null echo FB="falling back to manual installation!" ETFS="boot/etfsboot.com" EFISYS="efi/microsoft/boot/efisys_noprompt.bin" if [ ! -f "$DIR/$ETFS" ] || [ ! -f "$DIR/$EFISYS" ]; then if [ ! -f "$DIR/$ETFS" ]; then warn "failed to locate file 'etfsboot.com' in ISO image, $FB" else warn "failed to locate file 'efisys_noprompt.bin' in ISO image, $FB" fi mv -f "$ISO" "$STORAGE/$BASE" rm -rf "$TMP" echo && return 0 fi [ -z "$CUSTOM" ] && rm -f "$ISO" if [ -z "$MANUAL" ]; then MANUAL="N" if [[ "$EXTERNAL" == [Yy1]* ]]; then [[ "${BASE,,}" == "tiny10"* ]] && MANUAL="Y" fi fi XML="" if [[ "$MANUAL" != [Yy1]* ]]; then [[ "$EXTERNAL" != [Yy1]* ]] && XML="$VERSION.xml" if [ ! -f "/run/assets/$XML" ]; then MSG="Detecting Windows version from ISO image..." info "$MSG" && html "$MSG" LOC="$DIR/sources/install.wim" [ ! -f "$LOC" ] && LOC="$DIR/sources/install.esd" if [ -f "$LOC" ]; then DETECTED="" TAG="DISPLAYNAME" RESULT=$(wimlib-imagex info -xml "$LOC" | tr -d '\000') NAME=$(sed -n "/$TAG/{s/.*<$TAG>\(.*\)<\/$TAG>.*/\1/;p}" <<< "$RESULT") if [ -z "$NAME" ]; then TAG="PRODUCTNAME" NAME=$(sed -n "/$TAG/{s/.*<$TAG>\(.*\)<\/$TAG>.*/\1/;p}" <<< "$RESULT") fi [[ "${NAME,,}" == "windows 11"* ]] && DETECTED="win11x64" [[ "${NAME,,}" == "windows 10"* ]] && DETECTED="win10x64" [[ "${NAME,,}" == "windows 8"* ]] && DETECTED="win81x64" [[ "${NAME,,}" == *"server 2022"* ]] && DETECTED="win2022-eval" [[ "${NAME,,}" == *"server 2019"* ]] && DETECTED="win2019-eval" [[ "${NAME,,}" == *"server 2016"* ]] && DETECTED="win2016-eval" if [ -n "$DETECTED" ]; then XML="$DETECTED.xml" if [ -f "/run/assets/$XML" ]; then echo "Detected image of type '$DETECTED', will apply an autounattend.xml file." else warn "detected image of type '$DETECTED', but no matching .xml file exists, $FB." fi else if [ -z "$NAME" ]; then warn "failed to detect Windows version from image, $FB" else if [[ "${NAME,,}" == "windows 7" ]]; then warn "detected Windows 7 image, $FB" else warn "failed to detect Windows version from string '$NAME', $FB" fi fi fi else warn "failed to locate 'install.wim' or 'install.esd' in ISO image, $FB" fi echo fi fi ASSET="/run/assets/$XML" if [ -f "$ASSET" ]; then LOC="$DIR/sources/boot.wim" [ ! -f "$LOC" ] && LOC="$DIR/sources/boot.esd" if [ -f "$LOC" ]; then MSG="Adding XML file for automatic installation..." info "$MSG" && html "$MSG" RESULT=$(wimlib-imagex info -xml "$LOC" | tr -d '\000') if [[ "${RESULT^^}" == *""* ]]; then INDEX="2" else INDEX="1" fi wimlib-imagex update "$LOC" "$INDEX" --command "add $ASSET /autounattend.xml" > /dev/null else warn "failed to locate 'boot.wim' or 'boot.esd' in ISO image, $FB" fi LOC="$DIR/autounattend.xml" [ -f "$LOC" ] && mv -f "$ASSET" "$LOC" LOC="$DIR/Autounattend.xml" [ -f "$LOC" ] && mv -f "$ASSET" "$LOC" LOC="$DIR/AutoUnattend.xml" [ -f "$LOC" ] && mv -f "$ASSET" "$LOC" LOC="$DIR/autounattend.XML" [ -f "$LOC" ] && mv -f "$ASSET" "$LOC" LOC="$DIR/Autounattend.XML" [ -f "$LOC" ] && mv -f "$ASSET" "$LOC" LOC="$DIR/AutoUnattend.XML" [ -f "$LOC" ] && mv -f "$ASSET" "$LOC" LOC="$DIR/AUTOUNATTEND.xml" [ -f "$LOC" ] && mv -f "$ASSET" "$LOC" LOC="$DIR/AUTOUNATTEND.XML" [ -f "$LOC" ] && mv -f "$ASSET" "$LOC" echo fi CAT="BOOT.CAT" LABEL="${BASE%.*}" LABEL="${LABEL::30}" OUT="$TMP/$LABEL.tmp" rm -f "$OUT" SPACE=$(df --output=avail -B 1 "$TMP" | tail -n 1) SPACE_GB=$(( (SPACE + 1073741823)/1073741824 )) if (( SIZE > SPACE )); then error "Not enough free space in $STORAGE, have $SPACE_GB GB available but need at least $SIZE_GB GB." && exit 63 fi MSG="Generating new ISO image for installation..." info "$MSG" && html "$MSG" genisoimage -b "$ETFS" -no-emul-boot -c "$CAT" -iso-level 4 -J -l -D -N -joliet-long -relaxed-filenames -quiet -V "$LABEL" -udf \ -boot-info-table -eltorito-alt-boot -eltorito-boot "$EFISYS" -no-emul-boot -o "$OUT" -allow-limited-size "$DIR" [ -n "$CUSTOM" ] && rm -f "$STORAGE/$CUSTOM" mv "$OUT" "$STORAGE/$BASE" rm -rf "$TMP" html "Successfully prepared image for installation..." echo return 0